Mike's Notes
This handy post by Phil Booth on his website has some excellent warnings about misusing PostgreSQL.
There are a lot more in-article links in the original post.
Phil has a great website full of interesting articles.
- https://philbooth.me/blog/nine-ways-to-shoot-yourself-in-the-foot-with-postgresql
- https://philbooth.me/blog/six-ways-to-shoot-yourself-in-the-foot-with-healthchecks
Nine ways to shoot yourself in the foot with PostgreSQL
Previously for Extreme Learning, I discussed all the ways I've broken production using healthchecks. In this post I'll do the same for PostgreSQL.
The common thread linking most of these gotchas is scalability. They're things that won't affect you while your database is small. But if one day you want your database not to be small, it pays to think about them in advance. Otherwise they'll came back and bite you later, potentially when it's least convenient. Plus in many cases it's less work to do the right thing from the start, than it is to change a working system to do the right thing later on.
1. Keep the default value for work_mem
The biggest mistake I made the first time I deployed Postgres in prod was not updating the default value for work_mem. This setting governs how much memory is available to each query operation before it must start writing data to temporary files on disk, and can have a huge impact on performance.
It's an easy trap to fall into if you're not aware of it, because all your queries in local development will typically run perfectly. And probably in production too at first, you'll have no issues. But as your application grows, the volume of data and complexity of your queries both increase. It's only then that you'll start to encounter problems, a textbook "but it worked on my machine" scenario.
When work_mem becomes over-utilised, you'll see latency spikes as data is paged in and out, causing hash table and sorting operations to run much slower. The performance degradation is extreme and, depending on the composition of your application infrastructure, can even turn into full-blown outages.
A good value depends on multiple factors: the size of your Postgres instance, the frequency and complexity of your queries, the number of concurrent connections. So it's really something you should always keep an eye on.
Running your logs through pgbadger is one way to look for warning signs. Another way is to use an automated 3rd-party system that alerts you before it becomes an issue, such as pganalyze (disclosure: I have no affiliation to pganalyze, but am a very happy customer).
At this point, you might be asking if there's a magic formula to help you pick the correct value for work_mem. It's not my invention but this one was handed down to me by the greybeards:
work_mem = ($YOUR_INSTANCE_MEMORY * 0.8 - shared_buffers) / $YOUR_ACTIVE_CONNECTION_COUNT
EDIT: Thanks to afhammad for pointing out you can also override work_mem on a per-transaction basis using SET LOCAL work_mem`.
2. Push all your application logic into Postgres functions and procedures
Postgres has some nice abstractions for procedural code and it can be tempting to push lots or even all of your application logic down into the db layer. After all, doing that eliminates latency between your code and the data, which should mean lower latency for your users, right? Well, nope.
Functions and procedures in Postgres are not zero-cost abstractions, they're deducted from your performance budget. When you spend memory and CPU to manage a call stack, less of it is available to actually run queries. In severe cases that can manifest in some surprising ways, like unexplained latency spikes and replication lag.
Simple functions are okay, especially if you can mark them IMMUTABLE or STABLE. But any time you're assembling data structures in memory or you have nested functions or recursion, you should think carefully about whether that logic can be moved back to your application layer. There's no TCO in Postgres!
And of course, it's far easier to scale application nodes than it is to scale your database. You probably want to postpone thinking about database scaling for as long as possible, which means being conservative about resource usage.
3. Use lots of triggers
Triggers are another feature that can be misused.
Firstly, they're less efficient than some of the alternatives. Requirements that can be implemented using generated columns or materialized views should use those abstractions, as they're better optimised by Postgres internally.
Secondly, there's a hidden gotcha lurking in how triggers tend to encourage event-oriented thinking. As you know, it's good practice in SQL to batch related INSERT or UPDATE queries together, so that you lock a table once and write all the data in one shot. You probably do this in your application code automatically, without even needing to think about it. But triggers can be a blindspot.
The temptation is to view each trigger function as a discrete, composable unit. As programmers we value separation of concerns and there's an attractive elegance to the idea of independent updates cascading through your model. If you feel yourself pulled in that direction, remember to view the graph in its entirety and look for parts that can be optimised by batching queries together.
A useful discipline here is to restrict yourself to a single BEFORE trigger and a single AFTER trigger on each table. Give your trigger functions generic names like before_foo and after_foo, then keep all the logic inline inside one function. Use TG_OP to distinguish the trigger operation. If the function gets long, break it up with some comments but don't be tempted to refactor to smaller functions. This way it's easier to ensure writes are implemented efficiently, plus it also limits the overhead of managing an extended call stack in Postgres.
4. Use NOTIFY heavily
Using NOTIFY, you can extend the reach of triggers into your application layer. That's handy if you don't have the time or the inclination to manage a dedicated message queue, but once again it's not a cost-free abstraction.
If you're generating lots of events, the resources spent on notifying listeners will not be available elsewhere. This problem can be exacerbated if your listeners need to read further data to handle event payloads. Then you're paying for every NOTIFY event plus every consequential read in the handler logic. Just as with triggers, this can be a blindspot that hides opportunities to batch those reads together and reduce load on your database.
Instead of NOTIFY, consider writing events to a FIFO table and then consume them in batches at regular cadence. The right cadence depends on your application, maybe it's a few seconds or perhaps you can get away with a few minutes. Either way it will reduce the load, leaving more CPU and memory available for other things.
A possible schema for your event queue table might look like this:
CREATE TABLE event_queue ( id uuid PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(), user_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, type text NOT NULL, data jsonb NOT NULL, created_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), occurred_at timestamptz NOT NULL, acquired_at timestamptz, failed_at timestamptz );
With that in place you could acquire events from the queue like so:
UPDATE event_queue SET acquired_at = now() WHERE id IN ( SELECT id FROM event_queue WHERE acquired_at IS NULL ORDER BY occurred_at FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED LIMIT 1000 -- Set this limit according to your usage ) RETURNING *;
Setting acquired_at on read and using FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED guarantees each event is handled only once. After they've been handled, you can then delete the acquired events in batches too (there are better options than Postgres for permanently storing historical event data of unbounded size).
EDIT: Thanks to labatteg, notfancy, reese_john, xnickb and Mavvie for pointing out the missing FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED in this section.
5. Don't use EXPLAIN ANALYZE on real data
EXPLAIN is a core tool in every backend engineer's kit. I'm sure you diligently check your query plans for the dreaded Seq Scan already. But Postgres can return more accurate plan data if you use EXPLAIN ANALYZE, because that actually executes the query. Of course, you don't want to do that in production. So to use EXPLAIN ANALYZE well, there are a few steps you should take first.
Any query plan is only as good as the data you run it against. There's no point running EXPLAIN against a local database that has a few rows in each table. Maybe you're fortunate enough to have a comprehensive seed script that populates your local instance with realistic data, but even then there's a better option.
It's really helpful to set up a dedicated sandbox instance alongside your production infrastructure, regularly restored with a recent backup from prod, specifically for the purpose of running EXPLAIN ANALYZE on any new queries that are in development. Make the sandbox instance smaller than your production one, so it's more constrained than prod. Now EXPLAIN ANALYZE can give you confidence about how your queries are expected to perform after they've been deployed. If they look good on the sandbox, there should be no surprises waiting for you when they reach production.
6. Prefer CTEs over subqueries
If you're regularly using EXPLAIN this one probably won't catch you out, but it's caught me out before so I want to mention it explicitly.
Many engineers are bottom-up thinkers and CTEs (i.e. WITH queries) are a natural way to express bottom-up thinking. But they may not be the most performant way.
Instead I've found that subqueries will often execute much faster. Of course it depends entirely on the specific query, so I make no sweeping generalisations other than to suggest you should EXPLAIN both approaches for your own complex queries.
There's a discussion of the underlying reasons in the "CTE Materialization" section of the docs, which describes the performance tradeoffs more definitively. It's a good summary, so I won't waste your time trying to paraphrase it here. Go and read that if you want to know more.
EDIT: Thanks to Randommaggy and Ecksters for pointing out the subquery suggestion in this section is outdated. Since version 12, Postgres has been much better at optimising CTEs and will often just replace the CTE with a subquery anyway. I've left the section in place as the broader point about comparing approaches with EXPLAIN still stands and the "CTE Materialization" docs remain a worthwhile read. But bear in mind the comment thread linked above!
7. Use recursive CTEs for time-critical queries
If your data model is a graph, your first instinct will naturally be to traverse it recursively. Postgres provides recursive CTEs for this and they work nicely, even allowing you to handle self-referential/infinitely-recursive loops gracefully. But as elegant as they are, they're not fast. And as your graph grows, performance will decline.
A useful trick here is to think about how your application traffic stacks up in terms of reads versus writes. It's common for there to be many more reads than writes and in that case, you should consider denormalising your graph to a materialized view or table that's better optimised for reading. If you can store each queryable subgraph on its own row, including all the pertinent columns needed by your queries, reading becomes a simple (and fast) SELECT. The cost of that is write performance of course, but it's often worth it for the payoff.
8. Don't add indexes to your foreign keys
Postgres doesn't automatically create indexes for foreign keys. This may come as a surprise if you're more familiar with MySQL, so pay attention to the implications as it can hurt you in a few ways.
The most obvious fallout from it is the performance of joins that use a foreign key. But those are easily spotted using EXPLAIN, so are unlikely to catch you out.
Less obvious perhaps is the performance of ON DELETE and ON UPDATE behaviours. If your schema relies on cascading deletes, you might find some big performance gains by adding indexes on foreign keys.
9. Compare indexed columns with IS NOT DISTINCT FROM
When you use regular comparison operators with NULL, the result is also NULL instead of the boolean value you might expect. One way round this is to replace <> with IS DISTINCT FROM and replace = with IS NOT DISTINCT FROM. These operators treat NULL as a regular value and will always return booleans.
However, whereas = will typically cause the query planner to use an index if one is available, IS NOT DISTINCT FROM bypasses the index and will likely do a Seq Scan instead. This can be confusing the first time you notice it in the output from EXPLAIN.
If that happens and you want to force a query to use the index instead, you can make the null check explicit and then use = for the not-null case.
In other words, if you have a query that looks like this:
You can do this instead:
SELECT * FROM foo WHERE (bar IS NULL AND baz IS NULL) OR bar = baz;
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