Brandon Foltz on maths

Mike's Notes

I found this resource recently while looking for a good introduction to Markov Chains to share with someone.

Brendan Foltz has created an excellent set of free introductory resources on statistics, math, and other subjects. These are great for visual learners to grasp the main concepts.

The GitHub repository has lots of supporting materials.



By: Brendan Fotz

My tutorials focus on Introductory Statistics, Finite Mathematics, Management Science, Operations Management and Basic Accounting. My videos are full-length grab a drink and stick around! :) 

If you are on here trying to learn; you are my inspiration. I simply love to learn and I have an insatiable curiosity about the world. Education and sharing knowledge is my passion. While I need to support the channel financially, I am not trying to sell or promote anything but learning.  If you subscribe and click the bell icon, you will only get new video notifications.

Some of the problems I work come from textbooks I really like and I highly recommend taking a look at them.

Keep working hard, never stop learning, and thanks for watching!

"You must give some time to your fellow men. Even if it's a little thing, do something for others - something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it." - Albert Schweitzer

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