Pipi Build Roadmap

Mike's Notes

At the beginning of 2023, Pipi 9 was working software without a front end (headless), no user interface and completely undocumented.

A project began last year to get Pipi to self-document itself by generating static web pages using templates driven by database content. This has gone well; the website now has 5,000 pages. Given Pipi's complex internal architecture and large code base, the documentation will eventually be around 20,000 pages in English. One day, there will also be documentation sets in other languages, so reliable automation is crucial.

Enough progress has been made to publish a realistic roadmap for the next few months. It is updated daily and follows steady progress.

I'm currently sorting out the correct names for everything and short descriptions with proper sentences. This will stabilise the web URLs, allowing Google to index the documentation. Searchers will not end up with broken links.

Then, automatic versioning and current status will be added.

This will be followed by user interfaces (UI) for logged-in users by generating dedicated workspaces. 

I will then be able to administer Pipi using an HTML front end, which will be much easier than tweaking the config files and reading logs.

After that happens, users can discuss, add references, and directly edit the human-editable parts of the wiki documentation.

Eventually, Pipi will become my IDE, which will significantly speed things up.

And so on. For more details, read the roadmap.

I thank my friends Alex and Chris for asking enough questions to help me develop something useful. The roadmap started with a Google Sheets draft and is now published on the developer's website.


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