OpenNebula Conference

Mike's Notes

This might be very useful later for Pipi to deploy onto server farms. OpenNebula is an excellent alternative to VMware.

There is a free community edition and paid subscriptions. An enterprise subscription looks promising. Managed services are also available.


It uses playbooks which can drive Ansible when deploying. 

"Playbooks are YAML files that store lists of tasks for repeated executions on managed nodes. Each Playbook maps (associates) a group of hosts to a set of roles. Each role is represented by calls to Ansible tasks." - Wkipedia

Example of a playbook code at the bottom


It can do "heterogeneous data center, public cloud and edge computing infrastructure resources".


"Born back in 2013, OpenNebula Conferences are educational events that serve as a meeting point of cloud users, developers, administrators, integrators and researchers, featuring talks with experiences and use cases. They also include Hands-on tutorials, workshops, and hacking sessions that provide an opportunity to discuss burning ideas, and meet face to face to discuss development. Previous speakers include Telefonica,, Innologica, King, Nordeus, StorPool, Santander Bank, CentOS, European Space Agency, FermiLab, Puppet, Red Hat, BlackBerry, Akamai, Runtastic, Citrix, Trivago… and many more." ... OpenNebula




OpenNebula is an open source cloud computing platform for managing heterogeneous data center, public cloud and edge computing infrastructure resources. OpenNebula manages on-premises and remote virtual infrastructure to build private, public, or hybrid implementations of infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and multi-tenant Kubernetes deployments. The two primary uses of the OpenNebula platform are data center virtualization and cloud deployments based on the KVM hypervisor, LXD/LXC system containers, and AWS Firecracker microVMs. The platform is also capable of offering the cloud infrastructure necessary to operate a cloud on top of existing VMware infrastructure. In early June 2020, OpenNebula announced the release of a new Enterprise Edition for corporate users, along with a Community Edition. OpenNebula CE is free and open-source software, released under the Apache License version 2. OpenNebula CE comes with free access to patch releases containing critical bug fixes but with no access to the regular EE maintenance releases. Upgrades to the latest minor/major version is only available for CE users with non-commercial deployments or with significant open source contributions to the OpenNebula Community. OpenNebula EE is distributed under a closed-source license and requires a commercial Subscription.


OpenNebula orchestrates storage, network, virtualization, monitoring, and security technologies to deploy multi-tier services (e.g. compute clusters) as virtual machines on distributed infrastructures, combining both data center resources and remote cloud resources, according to allocation policies. According to the European Commission's 2010 report "... only few cloud dedicated research projects in the widest sense have been initiated – most prominent amongst them probably OpenNebula ...".

The toolkit includes features for integration, management, scalability, security and accounting. It also claims standardization, interoperability and portability, providing cloud users and administrators with a choice of several cloud interfaces (Amazon EC2 Query, OGF Open Cloud Computing Interface and vCloud) and hypervisors (VMware vCenter, KVM, LXD/LXC and AWS Firecracker), and can accommodate multiple hardware and software combinations in a data center.

OpenNebula is sponsored by OpenNebula Systems (formerly C12G).

OpenNebula is widely used by a variety of industries, including cloud providers, telecommunication, information technology services, government, banking, gaming, media, hosting, supercomputing, research laboratories, and international research projects[citation needed].


Internal architecture

Basic components

OpenNebula Internal Architecture

  • Host: Physical machine running a supported hypervisor.
  • Cluster: Pool of hosts that share datastores and virtual networks.
  • Template: Virtual Machine definition.
  • Image: Virtual Machine disk image.
  • Virtual Machine: Instantiated Template. A Virtual Machine represents one life-cycle, and several Virtual Machines can be created from a single Template.
  • Virtual Network: A group of IP leases that VMs can use to automatically obtain IP addresses. It allows the creation of Virtual Networks by mapping over the physical ones. They will be available to the VMs through the corresponding bridges on hosts. Virtual network can be defined in three different parts:
    1. Underlying of physical network infrastructure.
    2. The logical address space available (IPv4, IPv6, dual stack).
    3. Context attributes (e.g. net mask, DNS, gateway). OpenNebula also comes with a Virtual Router appliance to provide networking services like DHCP, DNS etc.

Playbook example (YAML)

(one-deploy-py3.12) front-end:~/my-one$ ansible-playbook -v opennebula.deploy.main

Using /home/basedeployer/my-one/ansible.cfg as config file

running playbook inside collection opennebula.deploy

[WARNING]: Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring: bastion

PLAY [bastion] *******************************************************************************************

skipping: no hosts matched

[WARNING]: Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring: grafana

[WARNING]: Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring: mons

[WARNING]: Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring: mgrs

[WARNING]: Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring: osds

PLAY [frontend,node,grafana,mons,mgrs,osds] **************************************************************

TASK [opennebula.deploy.helper/python3 : Bootstrap python3 intepreter] ***********************************

skipping: [f1] => changed=false

  attempts: 1

  msg: /usr/bin/python3 exists, matching creates option

skipping: [n2] => changed=false

  attempts: 1

  msg: /usr/bin/python3 exists, matching creates option

skipping: [n1] => changed=false

  attempts: 1

  msg: /usr/bin/python3 exists, matching creates option


TASK [opennebula.deploy.prometheus/server : Enable / Start / Restart Alertmanager service (NOW)] *********

skipping: [f1] => changed=false

  false_condition: features.prometheus | bool is true

  skip_reason: Conditional result was False

PLAY [grafana] *******************************************************************************************

skipping: no hosts matched

PLAY RECAP ***********************************************************************************************

f1                         : ok=84   changed=33   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=75   rescued=0    ignored=0

n1                         : ok=37   changed=12   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=57   rescued=0    ignored=0

n2                         : ok=37   changed=12   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=48   rescued=0    ignored=0

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