Lyft Design language on Selection Controls

Mike's Notes

A helpful article published on Medium discusses what selection control to use and where. It is based on the experience of teams using the Lyft Design System and builds on a previous article also listed below from 2019.

I need the Pipi CMS to automatically pick the correct selection control for any UI based on simple rules. The rules are explicitly described in the two Medium articles below.

This also builds on the work of the EU-funded Cameleon Project, which was to create Model-Driven User Interfaces. After 10 years of serious work, the Cameleon Project has gone nowhere, possibly overtaken by the arrival of HTML5 and mobile phones some 15 years ago.

However, I have found a way to put all that excellent research to good use in the Pipi CMS Engine.  And the Lyft Design System articles answer some of my remaining unanswered questions.

The full range of selection options presented by Lyft is tempered by some good points by Adam Silver, who argues that functionality should first be made on web UI to preserve accessibility. I agree, given that Pipi is built to generate workplace enterprise tools. Adam has a website with many valuable tips on providing web forms.


A better segmented control

By: Runi Goswami
May 19, 2021

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