Adobe Experience Platform Open API

Adobe has been opening up their platform to integration with open API's.

From the Adobe web site ...

API-First Development

Experience Platform has been designed and built using core principles of API-first development:
  1. The API is the primary interface into Experience Platform.
  2. All Platform functions, including administrative functions, are available via API.
  3. Platform services, Adobe solutions, and 3rd party integrations use the same API.
Guided by these principles, Adobe Experience Platform services and solutions are designed by first looking at the API and ensuring the functionality exists to support developers through low-level CRUD operations. Only once the API is built can the user interface (UI) be constructed by making REST calls to the API. By starting with the API, Experience Platform allows not only Adobe developers but any developer to have the same access to the core logic of Platform services and solutions by means of the same API calls. This principle is not limited to REST-based APIs. It also applies to other interfaces into Experience Platform like message-based, event-driven interfaces that allow developers to build responsive, reactive applications.

Mikes Notes

  • Looks useful
  • Get API documentation
  • JSON/Yamal?
  • Do some tests

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