Improving Google Fonts Performance

Mikes Notes

I use Noto Sans font at Ajabbi. Maybe this will improve speed performance.


Improving Google Fonts Performance

By: Cosima Mielke (cm)

Smashing Magazine: #475, 25/09/2024

How can we make Google Fonts load faster? Scott Jehl set up a repository for testing Google’s default font embed code against more optimal approaches. The setup loads the SUSE Google Font from Google’s font server in a variety of ways to find out which approach is most efficient.

As Scott’s tests show, loading fonts with @font-face is faster than the render-blocking default embed we get from Google. The greatest performance improvements show when @font-face is combined with font-display: swap. In this case, text rendering happens a full second sooner than the default Google embed. And even when the page doesn’t use font-display: swap, using @font-face still renders the pages 300ms earlier than the Google standard solution. (cm)

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