This website allows me to write brief working notes while developing Pipi. I'm happy to share my notes and welcome comments and helpful suggestions.
Some of the earlier material is being reposted from my archives of many years and shares the same author dates as in the archives. I no longer agree with some of this earlier stuff, but it's practical and an honest historical record of my learning. The notes often quote Wikipedia, other websites, or books, so I know where to look.
The notes cover architecture, data modelling, cloud computing, complexity, code, development and operations, API, user interfaces, art, philosophy, science, mathematics, and more. Interesting books and talks included.
This website is a work in progress and will change its layout quite a bit over time. Later, it will link directly to the software, user documentation, support, etc.
I strongly believe in the right to privacy, security, and usability. Software needs to be helpful and meet the needs of human society. A lot of it doesn't, and it is a massive waste of resources.
Please note: This blog is for a technical audience and is intended to help Mike (me), who has synesthesia (that's why everything is colour-coded), keep notes and share them with collaborators. It is not intended to be accessible.
- Red is Mike's Notes
- Blue is external resources
- White is quoted text that someone else wrote
- Yellow is code
How this website is organised
- Intro. This page.
- Pipi is the historical name for a series of web-based projects I was part of and still am. Here's an outline of its history with links to notes.
- is the organisation that supports Pipi, and that is why I'm doing this.
- About Me. That describes it well.
- Life-long Learning. Some of the valuable courses that I have been doing
- People are those who have influenced me
- Glossary of technical terms
- Links, a list of useful websites.
- Notes were made while I worked on Pipi and figured out what to do. Knowing where to find something also helps.
- Tools I use with links to reviews.
- Redworks is my happy place - my art studio website.
- Index of this website.
- Reading is the list of books I found to be a great resource.
- FAQ, Anything else people want to know goes here.
- Science underlying Pipi with links to articles, talks and research.
- Talks and presentations go here.
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